Web Design & Strategy
Memorial Webcasting
Tribute Video Creation

Create all of the Funeral Tribute Videos you desire under one roof - yours.

Create your own funeral memorial videos with ease. Tribute Video creation software by funeralOne, is the latest software innovation allowing funeral homes to create full motion cinema quality tribute videos on demand and in the convenience of their own location. Eliminating the high costs and hassles of outsourcing, funeralOne's user-friendly software provides funeral directors with the tools they need to produce World-Class tribute videos in fewer than 15 minutes on dvd, tape, or an internet based format to be displayed on your web site. From full motion video background scenery to famous musical compositions, our software gives you the ability to create custom tribute videos using various themes, pan/zoom effects, and in a DVD quality format with out the need of being computer savvy.

What's included?

  • Over 20 custom scenic video backgrounds included!
  • Professional motion effects that bring photos to life!
  • Over 100 personalized life sytle themes for boxes & labels...
  • Pre built text effects
  • Over 25 professionally licensed music tracks included!
  • Personalized DVD Menu's!

Why Us?

  • World-Class professional look!
  • Industry's easiest to use!
  • True DVD quality - created in house!
  • Professional Pan/Zoom Motion Effects!
  • Create DVD's & publish to web in one click!
  • Wizard-based design!
  • Featured in NewsWeek Magazine!

To receive a FREE trial version of our Funeral Tribute Video Creation Software please contact us today!

funeralOne - We set the standard for Tribute Video Creation Software.

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