No setup fees, no contracts, and extremely affordable.
Funeral webcasting couldn't be any easier or affordable.
Funeral Webcasting is the newest, most innovative service you’ve had to offer your client families since the advent of personalization. It’s catching on like wildfire; more and more funeral homes are providing it. Life Tributes makes it so simple, anyone can do it.

Utilizing the profession’s only Intelligent Webcast Technology, Life Tributes is as easy as simply plugging your camera into a computer with internet access, clicking start, then sitting back and letting Life Tributes automatically take care of notifying all parties of the webcast.

No setup fees, no contracts, and only $40 a webcast or $195 per month for unlimited webcasting.
24/7 support, 365 days a year
Life Tributes proudly features 24/7 live phone support, 365 days a year.
What are our customers saying?
“Point, click, and cast away is right! I couldn't believe how easy it was to webcast with Life Tributes. I have tried everything and nothing comes close to the quality, ease of use, and cost that funeralOne provides with Life Tributes." ~Mel Pennington, BPA Funeral Home, Hartsville, SC
From Our Knowledge Base:
- How do I create a new webcast?
- What do I need for Webcasting?
- What internet connection do I need to stream live Webcasts?
- How much does Webcasting cost?
Get ready to experience Funeral & memorial webcasting with the worldwide leader.
To request a FREE trial and to see how Life Tributes can be your complete source for all your funeral webcasting needs, please click here or call us at (800)-798-2575.
funeralOne - We set the standard for Funeral & Memorial Webcasting